Should You Have A Tub In Your House. having a bath may not affect the value of your house, although if space is available, it is a preferred feature to have and therefore, it could make selling harder. While there is no right or wrong answer, it is helpful to examine your personal habits, lifestyle and space considerations before deciding to keep or ditch the bathtub. no, you are not required to have a bathtub in your house. When making design decisions about. Baths are desired for a number of reasons, but particularly for families with young children. in our opinion, the answer to the question “do i need a bathtub in my house” is simple — only if you want one. today’s bathrooms need to be beautiful, use space efficiently and serve the users functionally. While it used to be a general rule to have at least one. however, if the bathroom is question is an en suite or one that will only see occasional use by guests, a bath might not be worth it — in which case.
When making design decisions about. today’s bathrooms need to be beautiful, use space efficiently and serve the users functionally. Baths are desired for a number of reasons, but particularly for families with young children. in our opinion, the answer to the question “do i need a bathtub in my house” is simple — only if you want one. having a bath may not affect the value of your house, although if space is available, it is a preferred feature to have and therefore, it could make selling harder. however, if the bathroom is question is an en suite or one that will only see occasional use by guests, a bath might not be worth it — in which case. While it used to be a general rule to have at least one. While there is no right or wrong answer, it is helpful to examine your personal habits, lifestyle and space considerations before deciding to keep or ditch the bathtub. no, you are not required to have a bathtub in your house.
Enjoy a soothing soak in this Ridgefield Whirlpool. This soaker tub
Should You Have A Tub In Your House however, if the bathroom is question is an en suite or one that will only see occasional use by guests, a bath might not be worth it — in which case. today’s bathrooms need to be beautiful, use space efficiently and serve the users functionally. no, you are not required to have a bathtub in your house. having a bath may not affect the value of your house, although if space is available, it is a preferred feature to have and therefore, it could make selling harder. Baths are desired for a number of reasons, but particularly for families with young children. in our opinion, the answer to the question “do i need a bathtub in my house” is simple — only if you want one. While it used to be a general rule to have at least one. When making design decisions about. however, if the bathroom is question is an en suite or one that will only see occasional use by guests, a bath might not be worth it — in which case. While there is no right or wrong answer, it is helpful to examine your personal habits, lifestyle and space considerations before deciding to keep or ditch the bathtub.